Checkmate: Game Over! Finally, no more Tales from the Mitt-Crypt.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama was re-elected the 44th president of the United States on Tuesday November 6, 2012. 

After the hatred, lies and all that Moola ($900 million to be exact), guess what?  Barack Hussein Obama is still President Barack Hussein Obama, Commander in Chief and Chief Executive.  He's 'The Bawse'!  Folks, you can unpack your bags...Armageddon has been averted.

The re-election of President Obama amounted to a national catharsis - an emphatic repudiation of one of the most despicable deceitful prevaricating presidential candidates to ever run for office, Mitt Romney, his political scatology politricks, Republican Billionaire 'Super Pacs' and racial/religious dog-whistling to embrace President Obama.  The countless incidents of total disrespect towards President Obama, and dignity of the office, has been repulsive and nauseating.  No other president in history has had to endure such relentless disrespect from their political peers.  I'm a devoted supporter of President Obama and take the disrespect personally, the venomous insults and disrespect have been intolerable and heart-wrenching.

Through all the shameless disrespect and demeaning character assassination President Obama has somehow managed to remain professional and the only adult in the room.  He is an intellectual man of substance, vision and compassion, an articulate orator and a man of strong conviction and principle.  He is an exemplary role model for both children and adults of all races worldwide.  A transformative leader who is willing to sacrifice so much of himself and his family to represent and lead this ungrateful country.  We all should be proud and consider ourselves fortunate and privileged to be Blessed with such a gem.  He is my president, America's president!  He is indeed, a Class Act -- bar none.

Let's take a look back at how we evolved to this point...

President Barack Obama was elected the 43rd president of the United States on Tuesday November 4, 2008.  The Republican 2012 Presidential Campaign actually started the very moment President Barack Obama won, before he had officially taken office:
Republicans set out to destroy our president starting from the day he was inaugurated.  As President Obama was celebrating his inauguration at various balls, top Republican lawmakers and strategists met at a private dinner in Washington to conjure up ways to submarine his presidency, win back political power and put the brakes on President Obama's legislative platform.  The Republican Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell, actually said, "Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term.''

Mitt Romney was selected as the Republican 2012 Presidential candidate at the Republican National Convention in August 2012.  This launched the start of their 2012 Presidential campaign:
Who is Mitt Romney and what did he stand for?  Well, that's the billion dollar one has a clue!  The only thing he stood for was his own election which he felt, as a millionaire, he was entitled to.  A few other things we could discern is that he's a mindless self centered prolific liar and political whore who'll say anything to get into the White House.  To put things in proper perspective, let's watch Romney debate himself.  Unbelievable, huh?  Romney and his cruddy republican cabals tried everything in their power to demonize President Obama and prevent him from becoming a two term president.  They lied, insulted our first family, insulted his mother, called him the food stamp president, unleashed false conspiracy theories and stooped to all-time-low levels in their rancid concerted effort to enforce voter suppression. 

Now, what did we learn...

Yes, we have come a long way.  The United States elected it's first Black president in 2008 and re-elected him for a second term in 2012.  But, make no mistake about it - America is still very much a divided country...a country polarized by race, ethnicity, financial status and hatred.  This was very evident in this election by the number of morons who voted for Romney.  Obviously, their vote wasn't based on what he stood for, his ethical values, philosophy or core convictions - because he has none.  It was based on hatred and their desire to unseat a Black president, regardless to the consequences or collateral damage.  They were willing to sink the entire ship, with us in it, just to bring down the captain.  These are the very same people who voted for a 2008 presidential ticket with a Vice President candidate named Sarah Palin.  Remember her?  She was the deranged lunatic who; said Russia was next to her home state (Alaska), couldn’t name one newspaper she reads and didn’t know Africa was a continent.  Clearly, there is no shortage of idiots in America.

Unfortunately, hate has been and will continue to be a prevalent cancer in our society.  It's even more unconscionable that so many of our so called leaders are self serving vultures whose sole interests are greed, power and ethnic superiority.  Their reign as leaders will continue as long as there are people, with the same mentality, stupid enough to vote for them.  Fortunately, they were out numbered this time...Romney and his Super Pac sugar daddies were not allowed to buy the White House!

Did they really think we wouldn't revolt at the polls to avenge their disrespect of our president/First Family and strategy to disenfranchise voters after our ancestors fought and died for our right to vote?

~  JJBlogster  ~